Wednesday, 14 December 2016

The Wonder Drug- Novox


It goes without saying that pet owners love and care for their pets just like their own children. Seeing them in pain or suffering is certainly heart-breaking for them. However, thanks to the advancement in veterinary medicine, most diseases in pets can be appropriately treated to provide comfort and a longer life to the pet; even if they cannot be completely cured. For instance: Age-related disease like Arthritis in dogs cannot be completely cured. However, by administering Novox for dogs, the dog can lead a comfortable, pain-free and active life.
More about Novox
Novox is a popular drug, known to relieve dogs from pain caused due to inflammation as a result of arthritis in dogs. The generic drug is Carprofen, which contains ibuprofen, naproxen and ketoprofen and is proven to be effective in reducing the hormones, which are responsible for the inflammation and pain in the dog’s body. Moreover, Novox is also administered by the vet post surgery to fight the pain and discomfort caused. Well; Novox cannot treat the problem associated with the bones. However, it provides sufficient relief for the dog to lead a comfortable, happy and pain free life, despite having arthritis.

Although most pet owners are aware of this popular pain-relief drug, it is not advisable to monitor the same without a vet’s valid prescription. For, it may cause severe side effects. Moreover, this drug must not be given to pregnant, lactating or new born dogs. Also, Novox often causes stomach upset. Therefore, it is mostly advisable to give this medicine along with food. Therefore, the best way to ensure proper treatment is to follow the vet’s instructions.
However, after being prescribed by the vet, you can order Novox for dogs easily right at your doorstep from the online pharmacy PetRx2Go. This pharmacy is legitimate and provides genuine medicines.

 You can order them at:
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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

The Ideal Solution For Your Itchy Dog

When your pet suffers from any irritation then they inform you through various signs. And if you get to see the signs of licking, itching, scratching, gnawing, hair loss, skin infection, chewing, terrible odor or sleepless nights, then you should know that your pet is suffering from skin allergy.
And the ideal solution to skin allergy is Atopica. It is used to treat atopic dermatitis, commonly known as skin allergies in dogs. It is usually prescribed to the dogs which are more than six months and weighing at least 4lbs.
Atopicafor dogs is also beneficial due to the following reasons-
  • It significantly reduces itching and skin lesions in dogs.
  • It has already been proven to be effective in most dogs.
  • It allows the owner to control the problems of the pets without the harmful effects of the steroid.
  • It is also very safe to use for long periods as it does not come with any serious side effects which are usually associated with steroids.
  • It can also be used to treat immune mediated diseases
  • It is also effective to prevent rejection of transplanted organs
  • May also be used for treating dry eye, asthma, and perineal fistulas.
Atopica works very efficiently by targeting the immune cells that are responsible in the allergic reactions. You can usually give only one dose a day, and for some dogs, a twice weekly dosing would be enough for effective treatment.
And if you want to get products that are USDA or FDA approved then you can visit the online store of PetRx2go. They are the fastest growing online animal store that provides quality medicine at your doorstep, that too at a very reasonable price. They do not sell expired or foreign products. They sell the same exact medication that is sold by your veterinarian, and therefore you can rely on them completely when it comes to your pet’s health.

To know more about their products and services you can explore their website which is Or you can also call them at 1-800-798-2165 if you have any queries. 
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Thursday, 17 November 2016

Crush “Cushing” with Vetoryl

Your four-legged companion is more like a family member and your best friend. It is certainly sad to witness this “mute” friend suffering from any illness, which he is unable to voice. However, similar to human beings, age and time do cause illnesses, which are mostly challenging to avoid. All one can do after the diagnosis is manage the same well for a healthy, comfortable and happy life.
One such illness commonly found in dogs is the Cushing Disease. This can be effectively managed with vetoryl for dogs, under the supervision of a veterinarian.
Questions Answered
What is the Cushing Disease?
The cause of Cushing disease is the excess production of a hormone, named Cortisol in the dog’s body. The hormone Cortisol is the naturally-occurring steroid in the dog’s body. It helps the body adapt in times of stress. However, too much of Cortisol weakens the immune system, thus, making the body defenseless against many diseases and infections. Controlling the hormone level is therefore essential and can be effectively done by Vetroyl for dogs.
What are the causes?
Cushing diseases in canines mostly occurs naturally in two ways; either through a tumor on the pituitary gland or on one or two of the adrenal glands. Mostly, Cushing diseases are pituitary dependent. Pituitary gland is a small gland present at the base of the brain. A tumor on it causes the over production of certain hormones, which then passes through the bloodstream to the adrenal glands, thus, motivating the production of the hormone, Cortisol.
On the other hand are tumors on one or both the adrenal glands which also trigger the production of Cortisol, thus, resulting in increased levels of the hormone.
Treating Cushing diseases
Logically, removal of the tumor can treat the Cushing disease. However, considering the risks of surgery, most veterinarians treat it with effective medicines like Vetoryl for dogs.
So, if your vet has also prescribed the same for your dog suffering from the Cushing disease, you can order the same online at www.petrx2go.

 They will deliver genuine medicines at your doorstep, while you care for your best friend.  
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Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Improved Heart Beats

If you are a pet owner, then this makes for an interesting read for you. Read ahead for more on congestive heart failure (CHF) and vetmedin for dogs.
Sharing Knowledge
Most pet owners are aware of Congestive heart failure (CHF), which is common in most dogs. It mostly comes with age. With time and age, the heart muscles often weaken and fail to pump enough blood to the body, thus resulting in CHF. Like any other pet owners, even my heart would skip a beat on hearing the term “heart disease”.
“Is it fatal?”
“Will my beloved pet succumb to this heart failure?”
Yes, CHF could be life-threatening only when left untreated or unattended. Well; the good news is that CHF can be diagnosed and treated with Vetmedin for dogs, which is a generic counterpart of the drug Pimobendan.
However, pets suffering from CHF often see deteriorating health with every passing day. Simply prescribing vetmedin is not enough. It is important to monitor the pet’s health after treating with Vetmedin. Sometimes, dogs continue to feel unwell and depict bad moods even after vetmedin. This indicates worsening heart conditions. It is important to be in touch with the vet perennially while monitoring vetmedin. For, vetmedin has a narrow dosage range and a change in dose often reflects through vomiting, diarrhea and others. It is therefore important for pet owners to keep a close watch and be in contact with the vet to save their pet from suffering with worsening heart conditions. Constant monitoring is a must for pet owners to ensure improvement in health. Well, vetmedin continues to do its job and promises improved health for the pet.
The good news is that vetmedin is now available at reliable online pharmacies like Petrx2go. You can order the same here and receive the medicines at your doorstep.
So, ensure good health with:
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Friday, 2 September 2016

Get Safe & Effective Pet Medicines Online!


The love of pet owners for their four-legged friends is unmatchable. They care for them, love them, feed them and more so. However, irrespective of this love, the rising costs of pet medicines do pinch the pet parent’s pockets. Add to it the increased awareness about preventive medicines and vitamins, rather than medicines prescribed in acute conditions of illness. Therefore, medicines, which were required during illnesses in the past, are now a part of the daily routine of pets; thus, the increased cost. This is the reason for the increasing popularity of cheap pet meds online.
There’s a whole hue and cry about the quality and authenticity of these medicines. Some say that online pharmacies sell fake or expired medicines, therefore, the reduced price. However, is this true?

There are a handful of pharmacies which are unscrupulous. However, this does not imply that all others are not authentic.
The reason for reduced costs of pet meds available online are:
  • Thanks to the growing popularity and growing demand of online medicines, online pharmacies place bulk orders, which in turn allow them to enjoy a better price. They pass on this benefit to the end customers. Conversely, veterinarians do not place such huge orders, therefore, the increased price.
  • Some pharmaceutical companies distribute medicines exclusively to the vets. Therefore, the increased price at the vet.
  • Online pharmacies are saved from the overhead costs of rent, electricity and others. This is why they can offer cost-effective prices, while maintaining their margin. Vets are unable to do so.
These are the reasons why pet meds at the vet cost more than online pharmacies.
So, without questioning the authenticity of the online pharmacies, you can order pet meds from them. They offer cost efficiency along with convenience. However, it is important to make your assurances whether the one you have chosen is not one among the unscrupulous ones.
So, rely on the reliable for your pet’s health. Rely on Petrx2go for your pet’s health.
Visit and order pet meds on:
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Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Diseases and Cure

As clichéd as it may sound; “Time waits for no man”; in fact not even animals.

So, as your body deteriorates and weakens with time and age, so does the body of animals like cats and dogs. One such common occurrence in older dogs is Osteoarthritis in dogs. Like many other organs, the cartilages and other joint parts “wear and tear”, thus, leading to pain and inflammation in the joints. This mostly results in your beloved pet limping, being reluctant to exercise and walking, showing stiffness in movement or suffering from acute pain.

It goes without saying that witnessing a favorite pet going through this condition is dreadful beyond words. However, there’s good news in store. You can put a “full stop” to your four-legged friend’s suffering with Novox for dogs.

More about Novox…

Watching your friend in pain is certainly dreadful. Novox is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which relieves the dog of pain and inflammation. It is not a treatment for Osteoarthritis, but stopping its administration will bring back the pain in the canine. However, you can see results after continued use.
The dosage of Novox required varies from dog to dog depending on the condition. Only the vet can determine the dosage required to treat your pet. Avoid self medication without the vet’s advice. Do not administer Novox to all pets suffering from Osteoarthritis, pain or inflammation. For, Novox is unsafe for dogs allergic to any sort of Aspirin, Carprofen or any other anti-inflammatory drugs. Novox should also not be administered to dogs with a kidney, bowel or heart disease or when they are dehydrated. It is therefore, advisable to monitor this drug for your pet’s relief on being prescribed by the vet only.

However, after the vet’s advice, you can order the same for delivery at your doorstep from Petrx2go. You will not only be assured of timely delivery, but also genuine and quality medicines.

So, order any medicines for your four-legged companion at: 
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Friday, 15 July 2016

“Express” Pain Relief


If you are a pet owner, you would definitely understand the pain, frustration and stress you face when your four-legged companion is ill. What adds to the stress is the pet’s inability to voice his pain or sufferings. It is up to you to understand his woes and do the required to inhibit his sufferings and pain.
Pain Relief
Similar to humans, dogs also go through a number of illnesses like the basic fever, cold and cough and age-related illnesses like arthritis, heart diseases and more. However, thanks to the advancement in veterinary medicines, pets can now be relieved from pain with efficient drugs like Novox for dogs, Rimadyl for dogs, vetmedin for dogs and many more. No more do you have to see your precious pets succumb to illnesses and prolonged sufferings.

Nevertheless, it is not safe to administer any kinds of drugs without the vet’s advice. As a pet owner, you can sense your pet’s sufferings with the change in his behavior, which includes change in appetite, resistance to exercise and others. As soon as you do so, visit the vet and get your pet checked for any diseases and administer the required drugs.
Act at the first call
As a pet owner, you would like your pet to play, jump, eat and enjoy like ever before. The good news is that you can now get the needful drugs at your doorstep at the earliest, so as to ensure treatment as quickly as possible. This is now possible with online vet pharmacies like Petrx2go.
Produce the vet’s prescription and order the medicines at the click of a button. You can order them at www.petrx2go and ensure speedy recovery for your pet.
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