Wednesday, 14 December 2016

The Wonder Drug- Novox

It goes without saying that pet owners love and care for their pets just like their own children. Seeing them in pain or suffering is certainly heart-breaking for them. However, thanks to the advancement in veterinary medicine, most diseases in pets can be appropriately treated to provide comfort and a longer life to the pet; even if they cannot be completely cured. For instance: Age-related disease like Arthritis in dogs cannot be completely cured. However, by administering Novox for dogs, the dog can lead a comfortable, pain-free and active life.
More about Novox
Novox is a popular drug, known to relieve dogs from pain caused due to inflammation as a result of arthritis in dogs. The generic drug is Carprofen, which contains ibuprofen, naproxen and ketoprofen and is proven to be effective in reducing the hormones, which are responsible for the inflammation and pain in the dog’s body. Moreover, Novox is also administered by the vet post surgery to fight the pain and discomfort caused. Well; Novox cannot treat the problem associated with the bones. However, it provides sufficient relief for the dog to lead a comfortable, happy and pain free life, despite having arthritis.

Although most pet owners are aware of this popular pain-relief drug, it is not advisable to monitor the same without a vet’s valid prescription. For, it may cause severe side effects. Moreover, this drug must not be given to pregnant, lactating or new born dogs. Also, Novox often causes stomach upset. Therefore, it is mostly advisable to give this medicine along with food. Therefore, the best way to ensure proper treatment is to follow the vet’s instructions.
However, after being prescribed by the vet, you can order Novox for dogs easily right at your doorstep from the online pharmacy PetRx2Go. This pharmacy is legitimate and provides genuine medicines.

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